6 Tips for Cleaning & Organizing Your Kitchen
The kitchen tends to be the most used area of a home, sees a lot of foot traffic, and tends to be a dumping ground for various items that don’t belong in the kitchen. In combination with cooking and eating in the space, surfaces get dirty and junk piles up very quickly. In order to keep junk to a minimum, deep cleaning your kitchen will help keep it clean even on the busiest of days. Ever 3-4 months, go through and organize your space with these tips:
Sort Through Everything
Start your kitchen cleaning process by organizing and cleaning out all of the items in your cabinets, in drawers, and on top of your counters. As you go thruogh each area, put each item into two piles: “to keep” and “toss”. Ask youself when the last time you used it and if it’s not a seasonal item, get rid of it if you haven’t used it within the last year. This will give you more space to store the items you do use on a regular basis. For the items you use regularly, keep them in easy-to-reach areas such as top drawers and cabinets close by to your main cooking area.
Wipe Down Surfaces
Starting with the wood molding, wipe down and dust the surfaces in your kitchen from top to bottom including cabinet fronts, knobs and pulls, appliances, and even your backsplash. You’ll be amazed at the amount of grime that has built up on these surfaces over time and once theyr’e wiped down, they’ll look brand new. For the hard to reach areas, use a long-handled duster to make sure they aren’t neglected.
Clean the Microwave
Over time, food splatters and and over flows, causing grime to build up in your microwave over time. Combined with the heat, the splatters become caked on and hard to clean. To eliminate harsh scrubbing, place a microwave-safe bowl with one cup of water and several several tablespoons of vinegar in the microwave for 5 minutes (or until the window is steamy). Let the microwave sit for few minutes to cool down before wiping the grime away.
Empty the Refridgerator
Since you’re already deep cleaning your kitchen, you mine as well clean out the refriderator! Take everything out of the fridge, wipe down all of the surfaces, and throw away any of the items you no longer use or are expired. Take all of the remaining items that you do use and organize them as you place them back in the fridge. Before you know it, you’ll havea clean and organized refridgerator and plenty of space to store the items you pick up on your next trip to the grocery store.
Empty & Clean the Trash
Once you’re done throwing away any item you no longer use, bring the trash bag to the garabage bin and clean out the inside of the trash can. Using an antibacterial soap, clean the bin out with soap and water in your kitchen sink, or outside with the hose, to prevent mold and bacteria fom growing inside the can. Once dry, replace the trash bag for a clean, fresh start.
Sweep & Mop the Floor
Now that you’ve wiped down all of the surfaces in your kitchen, it’s time to clean the floor! Once you’ve swept the floor clean, pull out all of your appliances to sweep and mop behind them before mopping the rest of the floor. This will ensure that any of the debris from the rest of your kitchen don’t make their way back there once pushing the appliances back in.
Once you’ve cleaned your kitchen, give Elite Services Junk Removal a call at (978) 317-5388 to schedule your junk removal appointment.
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