cleaning out garage

What Junk to Get Rid of This Summer

Summer is one of the best times of the year. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your days are spent outside soaking it all in. It’s also a time when you can get out with the old and in with the new, as a lot of junk accumulates over the cold winter season. Here is what junk you can get rid of this summer.

Old Landscaping Items

Did you take on a big landscaping project this spring? If yes, chances are you have extra materials lying around. Whether you have an abundance of old soil, old cracked pots, or more, the last thing you want to do is allow them to take up room until next year. All you have to do is place them in a pile, and we can come and remove them for you. 

Garage Cleanup

During the winter, your garage can become packed with items left over from seasonal projects. Whether you were building an outdoor deck for summer or taking part in spring cleaning, things can get messy. Spend some time cleaning out your garage this summer by disposing of leftover project items or old tools that no longer suit you. That way, you can make more room for summer items, such as boogie boards, tubes, and so much more.


It is time to install that large fire pit you have been wanting to relax around. How about that outdoor seating area by the pool? Whatever improvement you plan to work on will leave some leftover items. From digging up lots of mulch or rocks to extra wood, chances are you will have some junk that needs to be removed.

Upgrading Items

Upgrading items in your backyard can be a fun hobby as the weather gets warmer. If you’ve recently upgraded several items, we can help by removing the old ones for you. This includes hauling away old grills, fire rings, citronella candle sticks, and more. That way, you can enjoy your new items without finding space for the ones that no longer serve you.

Indoor Cleaning

Don’t forget to rid your indoor space of junk, too. This can include that old sofa sitting in your basement, purchasing that mattress you have been dreaming about, or simply cleaning the attic. All these items can be added to your pile of junk you need to get rid of this summer.


Elite Services wants you to have the most relaxing summer ever, so it’s time to eliminate your junk! We offer expert junk removal services. Let us know what needs to be hauled away, and we will remove it for you. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form


pile of old furniture and junk in front of a house

A Guide to Effortless Furniture Removal

Moving furniture is often a task you avoid for as long as possible simply because it’s a pain, but sometimes, it’s unavoidable. Whether you’re making the move to a new home or just rearranging your current living space, moving furniture is a must. Using the right approach can make the project much easier, which is why we’re here! Let’s explore some tips and tricks to help you remove furniture with ease for a smooth and stress-free experience, including when it’s worth investing in professional furniture removal services

Plan Ahead

Before diving straight into the heavy lifting, take some time to plan your furniture removal process. Start by assessing the items you need to move and determine which pieces can be disassembled for easier transport. Larger items, like desks and bed frames, are typically easier to disassemble for that exact reason. It’s also important to know where the furniture is going when removed. Are you keeping it? Is it going to storage? Does it need to go to the landfill, or can it be recycled? There are a lot of options to consider!

Gather Tools and Supplies

Having the proper tools and supplies on hand can make a world of difference when it comes to furniture removal. Invest in sturdy moving boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, a dolly, and furniture blankets to protect your belongings during transit. Don’t forget essential tools like screwdrivers, wrenches, and Allen keys for disassembling furniture. If the furniture being removed isn’t being kept, fewer safety measures must be taken since it doesn’t matter if the furniture is scratched or damaged. 

Dispose Responsibly

As you prepare to part ways with old furniture, you must dispose of it responsibly and sustainably. Rather than simply tossing items in the trash, explore alternative options for recycling, donating, or repurposing furniture. Many local charities and nonprofit organizations accept gently used furniture donations, providing a second life to your unwanted items. Additionally, consider selling items online or hosting a yard sale to recoup some of your investment while minimizing waste. If you don’t know what to do with the furniture, a professional junk removal service will be a great help! They know what items can be donated or recycled and which must be trashed.

With the right approach and a little preparation, furniture removal doesn’t have to be a stressful process. There are even trained professionals who will do the heavy lifting for you, literally! Contact Elite Services to schedule your furniture and junk removal from experts who can get the job done safely, effectively, and sustainably. If you have one large item or an entire house full, there’s no job our junk removal team can’t tackle. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form.

badly cluttered room

What Household Items Require Special Removal?

Every year, Americans start tossing out the old and bringing in the new. This spring cleaning ritual is not only good for helping to declutter your home, but it can also help to clear your mind. And spring is the perfect time to purge. The whole concept goes back decades (if not more) to homes heated by wood and lit by lanterns. These homes accumulated a lot of soot, and when spring arrived, homeowners wanted to open up the windows and doors. A deep cleaning helped them to better enjoy the fresh air and all the benefits that came along with it.

That said, the concept of spring cleaning has stuck. It’s estimated that 80% of Americans engage in some sort of spring cleaning. But did you know that not everything you want to get rid of can simply be tossed in the trash? Some household items require special removal.

Have Household Items to Get Rid Of? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Spring cleaning is more than just a tradition—it’s a chance to refresh our homes and minds. However, as we sift through our belongings, deciding what stays and what goes, it’s crucial to remember that not everything can be tossed in the bin. 

Some items lurking in our homes are not just clutter; they’re hazardous and require special care when disposed of. From the electronics that entertain us to the products that keep our homes clean, you should know how to protect the environment.

Electronics (Computers, Televisions, Gaming Equipment, Cell Phones)

These gadgets are a staple in modern life but contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium. Improper disposal can lead to these toxic substances leaching into the soil and water, posing serious environmental risks. It’s important to take them to designated electronics recycling facilities where they can be safely broken down and repurposed.


Aerosol cans, common in cleaning supplies, spray paints, and even hairspray, contain pressurized gases and chemicals that can be dangerous. If punctured or exposed to high heat, they can explode. These items must be taken to hazardous waste facilities that can handle their safe processing. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) makes it easy to find locations for drop-off.

Propane Cylinders

Many homes have old propane cylinders laying around. Propane is used for grilling and camping. While the best practice is to exchange old tanks for new ones, sometimes that isn’t possible. Unfortunately, these cylinders contain residual gas, which can be explosive. Special care must be taken to ensure they are empty and brought to facilities equipped to handle them. Many local gas stations and convenience stores accept returns, even when you aren’t buying a new tank.

Cleaning Agents

Did you know we produce 400 million tons of hazardous waste yearly? Much of this comes from unused or leftover household cleaners, which often contain toxic or corrosive substances. Flushing them down the drain or throwing them in the trash can harm wildlife and contaminate water supplies. Many communities offer collection days for these chemicals. Be sure to contact your community center or local government to see what options are available in your town.


Strong acids and bases in some cleaning and maintenance products can cause burns and environmental damage if disposed of incorrectly. Special handling and neutralization are often required.

Specialty Batteries (Lithium, Nickel-Cadmium, Button-Cell)

These batteries power everything from laptops to watches but contain metals and chemicals that can be toxic. Dropping them off at battery recycling centers ensures they are processed in a way that recovers valuable materials and prevents environmental contamination.

Old Appliances, Mattresses, and Furniture

Many drop-off facilities will not accept old appliances, mattresses, and furniture. This leaves you with only two obvious choices: bust up the item and throw it away part by part in your home trash (not always feasible or wise) or check into junk removal services.

Need Help with Junk Removal?

If you need professional junk removal, whether spring cleaning or otherwise, we’re here to help. Not only do we accept junk, but we’re happy to come and pick it up at your location. Contact Elite Services today! Give us a call or fill out our online contact form.


woman in her cluttered garage

The Benefits Of Same-Day Junk Removal

Nobody likes junk. That’s why we take the trash out. Junk is annoying to have laying around, but when it stays around for too long, it may start to get a little more than annoying. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, in 2016, the average person generates around 5 pounds of junk daily. Taking out the junk or the trash has become one of our most regular tasks at home, but some people might wonder, “How often should I take out the trash?”

Well, anyone will tell you that you should throw away junk on the same day, anyone with a good sense of hygiene, and we agree. But why should you clear out your junk on the same day? Why should you get rid of trash the same day it accumulates?

Here are some reasons;

Why You Should Get Rid Of Your Junk On The Same Day


  • Hygiene


The first reason is simply hygiene. Taking out the junk is not only the most hygienic thing to do but also helps keep your environment hygienic. It reduces the amount of germs in your environment, especially if your junk has some organic materials that can decay or decompose. Keeping a junk-free environment through daily junk disposal also helps keep pests like rodents away and reduces your exposure to diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. 


  • Odor Control


Junk smells, right? Junk may even stink, depending on what kind of junk you have. You definitely don’t want to keep junk like bad eggs or spoilt milk around. Removing junk like that daily helps you keep your environment free of odors.


  • Space


Junk is stuff, and stuff occupies place. Getting rid of junk gives you more space and removes clutter from your environment. You just take some time to clear out all the junk in your room or office and watch the amazing transformation from a cluttered little space to a clean, clear, spacious room. Clearing out junk daily is even better. That way, your room never gets cluttered in the first place.


  • Aesthetics


Nobody thinks junk makes any space look more beautiful. If anything, junk makes your environment look scattered, unkempt, dirty, and ugly. When you remove junk from any space, it automatically becomes a better-looking space. Doing this daily helps keep your spaces look good every day, so why not?


  • Less Stress


Of course, it is possible to get rid of junk maybe once a week or less frequently. But it becomes more stressful to do and perhaps even more costly. According to the statistics earlier, that’s five times 7 pounds of junk to clear immediately. 45 pounds! Clearing out junk on the same day is less stressful; 5 pounds is easier to deal with than 45.


Junk can be hard to get rid of, but if you need help, Elite Services is the best junk removal service you can find around for same-day removal. Their service is easy to schedule, they are fast, on time, they can remove all kinds of junk, and they dispose of junk in an environmentally responsible, eco-friendly way. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form

woman in her cluttered garage

Tips for an Easy Junk Removal Service

A cluttered and disorganized space can hinder creativity and create a stressful environment. So, if you’re ready to start fresh or looking to get rid of the extra houseware collecting cobwebs, you’ll need a trustworthy junk removal service.  

Here’s a closer look at how to scour and connect with junk-hauling professionals for a stress-free decluttering experience:

Research and Hire a Reliable Company

Take the time to evaluate the junk removal experts in your area by comparing prices, customer testimonials, area of expertise, and quality of service. You can ensure a hassle-free and smooth junk removal process with little research. 

However, if you’re unsure how to choose the best option, you can ask friends or family for recommendations!

Get a Quote and Clarify Queries 

Before you hire a junk removal company, request a free quote or upfront pricing. Many service providers will offer a rough estimate, whereas others require an in-person consultation to understand the project’s scope. So, compare quotes and identify which company best fits your budget.

Furthermore, inquire with the junk removal company about what is and isn’t acceptable to ensure you’re not surprised when they don’t haul certain objects. 

Determine the Timeline of the Project

Communicate with the junk removal company to determine how long your project will last. Additionally, ask the business whether they offer same-day services or have week-long wait times.

Moreover, if you’re on a tight schedule or have constraints, plan and communicate this to ensure a stress-free junk removal process. 

Prepare Your Space for Junk Removal

Whether you choose for truck hauling or rent a dumpster, the best way to ensure a seamless process is to prepare your space. Ensure you create a clear path around the junk and specify special requirements to save time and finish the job quickly.

Besides this, you can create a hassle-free experience by setting the junk in distinct sections and removing fragile items from the area. Remember to discuss your preferences and things you find tricky with the junk removal service.

Label Your Junk in Categories

Marking the junk can save you and the service company valuable time. You can separate boxes based on what needs to go in the dumpster, charity, and your new space. If you don’t take this step, the company may accidentally remove a box you want to keep.

We recommend going the extra step to separate plastics, appliances, and metals to ease the junk removal process and ensure safety.

The Bottom Line

A junk removal process sounds stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! You can enjoy a hassle-free, quick, and efficient process with appropriate planning and a trustworthy company.

So, if you’re ready to revamp your living space, Elite Services is one click away. Our expert junk removal service providers help you declutter and enjoy peace of mind! Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form. 

young couple remodeling

Junk Removal for Remodeling Projects

If you’re tackling a home remodel project, you need a reliable junk removal company to make your remodeling project easier and protect your home and family during the project. A good junk removal service can help with one of the most complex parts of home remodeling: getting rid of old construction material, furniture, old appliances, and all the stuff that is getting in the way of your home remodel. Some of the reasons why you need junk removal before, during, and after your remodel are:

Safety For Your Property, Workers, And Your Family 

Construction debris, building materials, and other junk can be a big risk to your property. When construction materials are left lying around, they can cause accidents and damage that can impact your home. Workers can be hurt by old material lying around, as can your family and pets. Professional junk removal eliminates many of the risks posed by remodels and will help keep your property and family safe. 

Peace of Mind

The clean-up after a remodel can be a big project and one that homeowners don’t want to do. Knowing that a professional junk removal company can take care of all the debris, junk, old furniture, cabinets, fittings, wire, and other materials for you will give you peace of mind and let you just enjoy the upgrades you’re making to your home. 

More Time

A professional junk removal company can come and remove junk and construction material during and after the remodel so that your home is clean and you can spend time enjoying your home and not cleaning up after a remodel. With a professional crew of junk removal experts, your garage, worksite, or remodel debris can be cleared out in just a couple of hours. That means you don’t have to spend a day or several days cleaning up and hauling things to the dump. 

Affordable Rates And No Dump Fees

When you’re cleaning up after a remodel, you may have lots of different types of material that need to be removed. Dump fees for each separate type of material that you need to clean up can add up very quickly. You won’t have to worry about extra dump fees or additional costs. The quote you are given is the price you’ll pay, no matter what junk you have that needs to be removed. 

Better for the Environment

Professional junk removal companies like Elite Services abide by ethical, climate-friendly pledges. All materials that can be recycled will be recycled, and other materials will be repurposed appropriately or disposed of in ways that won’t harm the environment.


Contact our experts at Elite Services company for expert residential or commercial junk removal services for your remodeling project! Give us a call or fill out our online contact form.

cleaning out garage

Ten Items That Can Be Hauled Away By Professional Junk Removal

As years progress, we are bound to end with a pile of items we do not need. These items may include old furniture, boxes, mattresses, or anything else. They clutter our space and can make our home untidy. Thankfully, these unwanted items can be hauled away by junk removal services. If you have junk in your home and intend to get rid of it, here are ten items that can be hauled away by professional junk removal

Ten items that can be hauled away by professional junk removal 

Junk removal services collect a lot of junk items, however, some are too hazardous to be hauled away. If you are unsure of which junk items you can get rid of, here are some items that junk removal services collect. 


Mattresses have topped the list of some of the junk items to get rid of. Since many families change their mattresses every decade for a better one, many old mattresses become a bother. Junk removal services take these mattresses and recycle them into other useful products. Sometimes, they are cleaned and donated to organizations that need them to prevent waste. 


Like mattresses, many homeowners change their televisions for many reasons. Some do it for the sake of an upgrade, while others change because of damage. Although junk removal services take television, they are classified as hazardous items because they contain a high amount of dangerous chemicals like lead and mercury. To recycle them, these services take the broken TVs to the proper recycling facilities where the parts are reused for other appliances. 


Are we surprised? Sofas rank high in this list for obvious reasons. Many sofas are no longer for the aesthetic of the home or have undergone irreparable damage. This is why they end up in a dumpsite; luckily, junk removal services recycle their sofas or reform them into reusable items. 

Fridges and freezers

Televisions, fridges, and freezers are also hazardous items because they contain freon and other dangerous chemicals. Most junk removal services send the damaged fridges to the right facilities so that they can be repaired or used for other uses. These facilities ensure that the toxic chemicals prevent polluting the environment. 

Automobile tires

Be it car tires or tractor tires, junk removal services take them all. Tires are not eco-friendly items that can degrade the environment; instead, they are converted into other useful materials. 


From broken plastic children’s chairs to old armchairs, the junk removal services collect all. They also ensure these chairs are recycled into proper and durable items. 

Pianos and other musical instruments

Pianos are some of the heaviest junks hauled every year. These amazing instruments often clog space in the home and are difficult to maintain or live around. Once broken, they are also difficult to maintain and often end up in the dumpsite.

How Elite Services can help

Elite Services offers expert residential and commercial junk removal services. If you have excess junk in your home or office, reach out to a junk removal service today to get it removed. Our professionals will get right to the job and remove it swiftly, no matter the size of the mattress or eight of the piano. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form!

badly cluttered room

The Hidden Dangers of Clutter

In today’s fast-paced world, clutter can often be dismissed as a minor inconvenience or an aesthetic issue. However, behind the facade of an innocuous mess, hidden dangers can affect both your physical and emotional health and the general quality of your life. From health hazards to reduced productivity, clutter can take a toll on you and your living space. In this article, we’ll delve into the hidden dangers of clutter, offering valuable insights and practical tips to help you reclaim a clutter-free and healthier living environment.

Health Hazards: 

Clutter can provide a breeding ground for dust, allergens, and pests, leading to respiratory issues, allergies, and potential health problems.

Increased Stress: 

Studies show a direct correlation between clutter and elevated stress levels. An environment filled with clutter can lead to feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed.

Reduced Productivity: 

Too much clutter can reduce your focus and hinder your ability to complete tasks efficiently, resulting in decreased productivity at work and in your daily life.

Safety Concerns: 

Tripping hazards and obstructed pathways increase the risk of accidents and injuries in cluttered spaces.

Negative Impact on Mental Health: 

Clutter can contribute to frustration, helplessness, and a lack of control, negatively affecting your mental well-being.

Junk should be removed for several important reasons:


  • Health and Safety: 


Accumulated junk can pose various health and safety hazards. Cluttered spaces can become breeding grounds for pests like rodents and insects, increasing the risk of infestations. Additionally, clutter may obstruct walkways, exits, or emergency routes, making navigating safely in case of a fire or other emergencies challenging.


  • Reduced Stress: 


Living in cluttered environments can lead to elevated stress levels. The visual chaos and constant mental reminders of unfinished tasks can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. Removing junk and organizing your space can create a calmer and more relaxing atmosphere, reducing stress.


  • Improved Mental Well-being: 


Decluttering and removing junk can positively impact your mental health. A tidy and well-arranged living space can boost one’s sense of control, achievement, and well-being. Additionally, it can decrease feelings of depression and helplessness that arise from clutter.


  • Enhanced Productivity:


 A clutter-free environment can significantly boost productivity. When your space is organized, you can find what you need more easily, allowing you to work efficiently and focus on tasks. This applies to both professional and personal settings.


  • Better Physical Health: 


Clutter can lead to respiratory issues and allergies due to dust, allergens, and pollutants. To enhance indoor air quality and minimize health hazards, cleaning and disposing of unnecessary items regularly is advisable.


Elite Services Junk Removal is here to help when the clutter seems insurmountable. Our team of experts specializes in residential junk removal. We’ll work with you to create a clutter-free and healthy living environment so you can enjoy the peace and well-being of an organized space. Give us a call or text us today or fill out our online contact form

commercial junk removal

How Your Business Will Benefit From Outsourced Junk Removal

Humans generate tons of waste – that’s no secret. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the junk removal sector is worth $75 billion. And businesses, in particular, are vital contributors to this figure. The United States generates over 350 million tons of trash every year. There are thousands of junk removal companies all across the world. Companies produce a lot of junk, from paper and packaging materials to electronic waste and office furniture. Therefore, they must devise a suitable way of disposing of their garbage.

Outsourcing your business’s junk removal can be pretty advantageous. It is often regarded as the best option for disposing of corporate trash. Here are seven reasons you should outsource your business’ junk removal needs rather than having your employees take care of it.

It is cost-effective: 

Outsourcing your business’s junk removal can be more affordable than spending money on expensive specialized equipment. All you have to do is pay for the necessary services, which will cut training costs, wages, and equipment upkeep.

It is time-saving: 

Junk removal takes time and can divert your staff’s attention from their primary responsibilities. By outsourcing your business’ junk removal, your employees can concentrate on their preset duties. That way, they won’t be hindered in delivering the desired results.

It is safe: 

Junk removal poses many risks and threats, especially when handling bulky or hazardous trash.  You should outsource the process to experts and specialists to reduce the chances of injuries to your staff.

It allows for professionalism: 

Renowned junk removal companies hire trained experts with the required skills and equipment to process various types of junk. They are trained to properly and safely dispose of trash without damaging your items. Hence, outsourcing your business’ junk removal ensures an experience void of struggles.

It offers peace of mind: 

You can count on a reputable junk removal company to handle your waste management services. As a business owner, you can rely on them to do a proper job while reducing disruptions to your tasks.

It ensures proper trash disposal: 

The leading junk removal companies are well-versed in the appropriate junk disposal procedures. They are aware of local regulations and ensure that your waste is handled in an eco-friendly manner. This quality reduces the likelihood of lawsuits and unfavorable environmental impacts.

It offers a positive business image: 

Junk removal ensures your workspace is clean and clutter-free. A neat environment signifies professionalism, which boosts your business’ reputation. Customers and your staff members will have a good opinion of your business when they see an orderly work environment.


Outsourcing your junk removal services comes with a lot of advantages. To enjoy these numerous benefits, it is pertinent that you collaborate with a renowned junk removal company. Elite Services offers a wide range of junk removal services. We can take care of your business junk removal needs at an affordable rate! Call or text us today or fill out our online contact form for more details.

junk removal prep

Preparing For Fall Junk Removal

The fall season is the perfect time to prepare your home for the coming winter. It is the period to clean out your yard and remove all garbage from your home. If you’re yet to clean out your junk, here are places you should focus on when preparing for fall junk removal.

The Yard


The first place to start removing junk should be from your yard. You will want to clean and clear out all the fallen leaves that keep making the ground look messy. It is also the time to pack in your outdoor grill and furniture. With winter coming, you will not likely have outdoor barbecues or lounging in the yard. 

The Drainage Systems


The drainage system comprises the gutter and the pipes leading to it. The fall is a great period to pack and clean the gutters. This will give you some assurance when the snow starts coming. You could easily avoid a snow flood. You should also check the pipes that take water into the gutter. 

The Closet


You should also declutter your closet, especially clothes you’ve not used for a long time. Decluttering your closet space will give you a healthy space where you can store things that are more useful and important to you.  

Again, your cloth needs are changing soon. You will be getting into the season of cardigans and turtlenecks. So you may as well retire or give out some of the clothes you used in summer. 

The Furnace


You also want to clean your furnace area and prepare it for the coming winter. You will need as much heat as you can get during the winter period. It’s only appropriate that you make provisions to remove the dirt and debris in the furnace and clean it out in readiness.

The Office


Your office is your working place, and you need a lot of tidiness and organized space to get your work done seamlessly. 

You can de-junk this space by first removing every unused piece of equipment. As beautiful as those pieces of equipment are, if they are not in use because they are spoilt, need maintenance, or an upgrade,  you should simply remove them and enjoy the beautiful space. 




The garage is a must clean in this period. For a long time, you’ve probably been dumping things in the garage to arrange later.  Well, the later day is finally here. Cleaning your garage will give you more space to walk around and easily access the items you stockpiled. You will also have more space to keep more items.


The process of hauling huge piles of junk could be stressful if you are doing it yourself. Avoid the DIYs and call a professional like our team at Elite Services! Elite Services is the best hands you would get when it comes to professional junk removal. We clean out, organize, and leave your space feeling and looking new! Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form to learn more about our expert junk removal services!