summer junk removal

Summer Time Junk Removal


With the warm weather and long summer days upon us, we all feel refreshed and excited. But as we move from spring to summer, it is also a great time to tidy up and eliminate the unnecessary stuff around us. So, keep reading for easy tips and essential facts to clean up your clutter during summer.

1. Sort out The Clutter

The first step to cleaning up is to see what clutter you have. Walk around your home, backyard, and garage to find things you no longer need or use; these could be broken items from the winter or something you do not want anymore. Please list these things to track what you will be removing; you can also keep them separately.

2. Group Your Stuff According To What You Are Going To Do With It

Once you have found the clutter, it is time to decide what to do with each item. Create three groups: Keep, Donate, and Throw Away. You can keep the things that are still useful or have sentimental value, while you can donate the objects in good condition but not needed. Finally, broken or useless things should be disposed of properly.

3. Have a Yard/Garage Sale

You can sell unwanted items in a yard sale during the summer. Invite your neighbors and friends, tell people about it online or in your community, and set up an excellent display. This way, you clean up your space and make some extra money.

4. Renting a Dumpster

Renting a dumpster can be a highly efficient solution for larger-scale summertime junk removal projects or dealing with construction debris. Look for local dumpster rental services that offer various sizes to suit your needs. This option allows you to dispose of all the junk at once, saving time and effort compared to multiple trips to the landfill.

5. Being Eco-Friendly

Taking care of the environment is essential, and this includes junk removal. Look for ways to be eco-friendly, like recycling or reusing items, before throwing them away. Also, find junk removal services that care about the environment and follow proper disposal practices. 

6. Handling Hazardous Waste

While cleaning, you might encounter dangerous things, like old paint, batteries, or chemicals. You should not throw these in regular trash bins. Instead, research local facilities that accept hazardous waste and dispose of these items correctly. Furthermore, please do not throw away sharp objects uncovered; instead, wrap them in a thick material for safety purposes.

7. Get Help from Experts

If cleaning up seems too much work or you need more time, do not worry! In that case, you can always rely on professional junk removal services like X. With their expertise, equipment, and experience; they can efficiently handle the entire junk removal process from start to finish. 

Moreover, our Elite Services Junk Removal team ensures that the junk is disposed of through appropriate channels, following all the necessary regulations and environmentally-conscious practices.


Summertime junk removal helps us have a neat living space while positively impacting the environment. Follow these simple tips and tricks, and you will have a clutter-free home in no time. 


For expert and reliable junk removal services, give Elite a call today or fill out our online contact form.

appliance removal

How to Dispose of Old Appliances?

Proper disposal is crucial when it comes to upgrading or replacing your appliances. Improper disposal can harm the environment and may be illegal in some areas. This blog explores how to dispose of old appliances responsibly and efficiently.


Consider donating your old appliances if they are still in working condition. Many charitable organizations and community centers accept gently used appliances and distribute them to needy people. Not only does this help someone in your community, but it also reduces waste.

Local Scrap Yards

Scrap yards may accept old appliances for recycling purposes. They often dismantle the appliances and extract valuable metals and components for reuse. Contact local scrap yards to inquire about their acceptance policies and any fees for dropping off your appliances.

Municipal Bulk Pickup

Many municipalities have bulk pickup services that allow residents to dispose of large items, including appliances. Check with your local waste management department for specific guidelines and schedules for bulk pickup in your area.

Appliance Removal Services

Professional appliance removal services can be convenient if you prefer a hands-off approach. These services focus on taking away and safely disposing of big appliances. They have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle the removal process efficiently.


Recycling is an excellent option for old appliances that are no longer functioning or are in poor condition. Many recycling centers accept appliances made of metal and other recyclable materials. Ask your nearby recycling center about their specific needs and places for dropping off.

Retailer Programs

Some appliance retailers offer take-back programs where you can return your old appliance when purchasing a new one. These programs ensure that the old appliances are correctly recycled or disposed of by the retailer, reducing the burden on the consumer.

Trade-In or Resale

Another option for disposing of old appliances is to explore trade-in or resale opportunities. Some retailers or appliance manufacturers may offer trade-in programs where you can exchange your old appliance for a discount on a new one. Additionally, online marketplaces or classified ads can be platforms to sell your used appliances to interested buyers.

Remember to take precautions when preparing your appliances for disposal. Disconnect them from power sources, remove hazardous materials, and properly secure them for transport. If you need more clarification about the proper disposal method for a particular appliance, consult with local authorities or professional disposal services for guidance.


Properly disposing of old appliances is essential for the environment and compliance with local regulations. Consider donating, recycling, utilizing retailer take-back programs, or contacting local scrap yards for proper disposal options. Additionally, municipal bulk pickup services can be a convenient solution. If you prefer a hassle-free experience, Elite Services offers expert junk removal services and ensures proper disposal of appliances. When you properly remove your old appliances, you help make the environment cleaner and healthier for future generations. Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form for trustworthy and convenient appliance disposal services. 

Junk Removal After Spring Cleaning

Junk removal services are a helpful tool for homeowners who are overwhelmed by the accumulation of clutter. From attics and basements to the main rooms in your home, junk can happen anywhere! Refresh your home this spring with spring cleaning junk removal services that will leave you feeling lighter, cleaner, and ready to tackle the rest of your spring-cleaning list. Keep reading to find out why spring is the best time to schedule your junk removal services!

What is Junk Removal?

Junk removal services will vary a bit depending on what company you hire, but the basic process will look the same. A junk removal team will arrive with a dumpster or truck. The team will then remove your unwanted items from the home and sort through them. Trash will go in the dumpster, while items that are in good condition can be donated. Specialty items that require careful disposal will be handled carefully to avoid any damage to the environment or wildlife. 

Most companies are good at recycling too! Metal, cardboard, and plastics will be separated before going to the correct recycling locations. 

Benefits of Junk Removal in the Spring 

Junk removal services are technically available year-round, but there’s no time like spring to refresh your home! Some of the benefits of springtime junk removal include:

  • Save Time – there is no shortage of projects and activities to keep you busy in the springtime. By hiring professionals for junk removal, you’re freeing up more of your schedule for other things! Use that time for more home improvement projects or relax with your family and friends. Junk removal is a quick and easy job for a large team of professionals. The job that may have taken you all week can take professionals just a few hours!
  • Environmentally Conscious – if you care about the environment, hiring a professional junk removal service is a no-brainer. The professionals are experienced in sorting recyclable and donatable items from the trash to limit what goes to a landfill. Potentially harmful items, like chemicals, will be carefully disposed of so they don’t hurt the environment. 
  • Save Money – hiring a junk removal service may seem like an extra cost, but it can actually save you money! By hiring professionals, you eliminate dumping fees and gas you’d use going back and forth to the dump. You also won’t have a dumpster rental fee since the junk removal crew brings their own! When you factor in what your time is worth, too, the savings are pretty impressive.

Contact Elite Services Junk Removal today for your junk removal consultation, or book your removal date! There’s no job too big or small for our junk professionals to handle. Your junk will be carefully removed, sorted, and hauled away without you lifting a finger. Give us a call at 978-317-5388 or fill out our online contact form!

Why Real Estate Agents Should Use Professional Junk Removal Services

When you think about professional junk removal, real estate agents may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Junk removal services can be used by anyone, though, even real estate agents! In fact, the services can be hugely beneficial to a busy agent trying to sell a home that’s overrun with junk.

Quick, Professional Cleaning

Professional junk removal services are just that, professional. You won’t have to worry about things being done incorrectly, damages happening during the cleaning process, or a job that takes too long. The cleaning crew can give you an accurate time estimate to complete the cleaning and stick to the schedule so you can return to selling the home.

If any damages occur, the professional cleaning service will take responsibility. Hiring someone to clean that isn’t a professional increase the risk of the job taking too long, being done incorrectly, or not being done well enough. Going with a well-known company gives you and the current homeowner peace of mind while the junk removal process happens.

Thorough Cleaning Procedures

Professional junk removal companies use specific products and procedures to ensure the job is done well. These companies can access powerful chemicals that the average consumer can’t purchase. When you hire a junk removal service, you won’t have to worry about exposing yourself to any junk and dirt lurking inside. The cleaning crew will be equipped with the proper knowledge and equipment to clean well and do so safely.

The team will also know what to do with the junk once it’s out of the house. Items will be recycled, taken to the dump, or otherwise processed as needed with no extra effort on your part.

Sell Homes Faster

A professional junk removal service benefits real estate agents for multiple reasons, but this one is the most important! You can sell homes faster. Instead of waiting for the property to be cleaned enough to sell, a junk removal team will tackle the job in record time! This means you can get the house on the market, host an open house, and begin accepting offers quicker. Potential buyers will appreciate the fact you hired a professional team for the job, and your bank account will appreciate how quickly you can make a sale!

If you’re a real estate agent in need of professional junk removal services, contact Elite Services today to schedule your junk removal. Our junk experts will help you determine what size dumpster is needed and estimate how long the job will take to complete. Don’t waste another day trying to sell a home full of junk! Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form

Environmental Impacts of Improper Junk Removal

Proper junk removal is an essential part of keeping our homes and communities clean and safe. However, improper junk removal can have serious environmental consequences that can harm wildlife, pollute our air and water, and contribute to climate change. In this article, we’ll explore the environmental impacts of improper junk removal and how you can ensure your junk is disposed of properly.

Landfills and Greenhouse Gases

One of the most significant environmental impacts of improper junk removal is the contribution to greenhouse gases. When organic waste like food scraps and yard waste ends up in landfills, they decompose and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is a major contributor to climate change.

Additionally, when non-organic waste like plastics and electronics are incinerated or buried in landfills, they can release toxic chemicals into the air and soil.

Pollution of Waterways and Soil

Improper junk removal can also lead to pollution of our waterways and soil. When hazardous waste like paints, batteries, and cleaning products are not disposed of properly, they can leach into the ground and contaminate soil and groundwater. This can be harmful to both human health and wildlife that rely on these resources.

Harm to Wildlife

Improper junk removal can also harm wildlife. When waste is not properly contained, it can attract animals like rodents and insects, which can spread disease and cause damage to ecosystems. Additionally, marine animals can mistake plastic debris for food, leading to ingestion and entanglement that can be fatal.

Proper Junk Removal

Proper junk removal is essential to minimizing these environmental impacts. This includes separating recyclables from non-recyclables, properly disposing of hazardous waste, and choosing eco-friendly disposal options when possible. Working with a professional junk removal service can also help ensure that your junk is disposed of properly and that any recyclable materials are recycled.

Removing Junk properly

Improper junk removal can have serious environmental impacts that can harm wildlife, pollute our air and water, and contribute to climate change. Proper junk removal is essential to minimize these impacts, and it’s important to work with a professional junk removal service that can ensure that your junk is disposed of properly and safely.

At Elite Services, we offer expert junk removal services that are designed to minimize environmental impacts and keep our communities clean and safe. Our team of experienced professionals can help you sort and dispose of your junk properly and ensure that any recyclable materials are recycled. Contact us today at 978-317-5388to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your junk removal needs.

The Importance of Scrap Metal Recycling

It is unknown to many that values abound in metals. To some people, the lifeless metal in their homes is just like any other waste that they dispose of. That assertion is wrong. You can get a lot out of it. Apart from the fact that it is helpful to you, recycling scrap metal also helps to address global concerns for the environment. In today’s world, the importance of recycling cannot be overemphasized.

Below are the reasons why you should recycle your scrap metals;


  • More Energy to the World


Recycling metal contributes to reducing energy consumption, as it does not require excessive energy as creating virgin metal materials. The processes involved in creating metal from scratch are expensive and highly energy-consuming. For instance, if you intend to recycle aluminum, the energy required is about 5% of what is needed for new ones.


  • Emission Reduction


Scrap metal recycling is less energy-intensive, which assures less pollution, unlike mining, which is evident to have contributed to groundwater pollution and decimation of the environment. Using the recycling plants doesn’t involve open-pit mines, thereby having an insignificant impact on the environmental hazard. The rate at which mining new metal releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is alarming. This is to say recycling doesn’t influence climate change negatively.


  • Conservation of Natural Resources


Producing new metal requires excessive use of limited natural resources available. But this is not the case for recycled metal since no additional material requires mining. As such, it guarantees the conservation of natural resources. Mining impacts the environment and natural resources negatively. Even wildlife is not safe from the destructive effect of mining. Adopting metal recycling has a favorable implication for the economy at large.


  • Induce Economic Growth


Recycling possesses an inherent savings effect for both individuals and the government because enough money can be generated from recycled scrap materials. The industry requires a lot of labor participation, which translates into employment generation for the unemployed population. The gross domestic product of an economy will also feel the impact of the recycling industry through taxes.


  • Rechanneling of Landfill Waste 


Unlike nylons, papers, and other non-metal materials, scrap metals take a longer time to biodegrade. So, disposing of metal in landfills will only take up the space for materials that decompose quickly. For this reason, scrap metal should never be a waste of landfills to preserve the capacity for decomposable dirt.

Elite Services Junk Removal are junk removal and recycling experts who can help remove your scrap metal to extract its value! Give us a call today or fill out our online contact form!

old electronics in a trash can

Throwing Away Electronics

fi For many, the pieces sit around gathering dust. Others try to pawn them off. Some people even put them in the regular trash with last night’s dinner and today’s junk mail. If you are wondering what the most responsible way to get rid of your electronics might be, throwing them away is not it. 

Why Should You Avoid Throwing Away Electronics?

There are a number of reasons that throwing your electronics in the garbage can become problematic. Understanding these problems can be the motivation you need to dispose of your old computers and devices properly. 


Most people are aware of the claims made about landfills – they’re too big, they’re dangerous, etc. Believing this idea is not what matters when it comes to electronics. Electronics can take up space in a landfill, but the exceptionally awful part is that landfills are not correctly suited to handle electronics. When items break down and mix with those within your electronic devices, bad things can happen. The liner beneath the piles can begin to break down, too. This is no good for anyone. 


There are contaminants in electronics that are not only dangerous to our landfills but our groundwater and soil. Treatment plants may filter our water, but it is not always possible to remove every contaminant from our drinking water. Contaminated water can also kill off marine life, which is an issue all by itself. Contaminating our soil would do horrible things to our food supply and land animals, as well. Properly disposing of your electronics is vital to continuing life on this planet. 

What Should You Do with Unwanted Electronics?

  1. Sell or Donate

Numerous organizations are willing to take your old and unwanted electronics off your hands. You can factory reset these devices so that no personal information remains on them before giving them away.

  1. E-Recycle

Many communities offer an e-recycling day in which all community members are welcome to drop off their old and broken devices. Please take advantage of this service when it is close to you!

  1. Recycle

Recycling your electronics can be as easy as calling your local recycling center to see if the pieces are accepted. If you cannot find a recycling center that accepts your electronics, contact an electronic store and find out where they take their own pieces. Some electronic stores will also take yours to recycle. 

  1. Hire a Junk Hauler

A junk hauler will pick up your items from your home for proper disposal. You do not have to do much more than put your old items aside for pick up. 

Who Should You Contact?

If you’re ready to dispose of your electronics properly, Elite Services is the company to contact. Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition is an expert in junk removal and recycling your old computers. We are willing and able to remove your junk quickly and efficiently. Give us a call today

old electronics

A Guide to Recycling Common Household Items

household recyclablesThe average individual produces an average of 5 pounds of waste a day and most of that waste is in fact recyclable. If every person across the United States was more conscious of the proper ways to dispose of these items, garbage wouldn’t be as big as a problem as it currently is. Recycling not only saves space in our landfills but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Another positive of recycling – less resources are used recycling an item into something usable compared to the resources used to dispose of trash at a landfill.

Here are several common household items that can be recycled and how to go about recycling them correctly:

1. Batteries

The materials that batteries are made up of contribute to pollution when they aren’t disposed of through the proper channels, especially when they break down in landfills. Most libraries, battery or electronics stores, and even your local grocery store will take your household batteries and ensure they will be recycled properly.

2. Books

Stop throwing your books away! If you no longer want a stack of books in your house, bring them to your local library, donate them in a book drop box, or take them apart and recycle them through your towns recycling center.

3. Ink Cartridges

Like batteries, many ink cartridges are made up of toxic materials that shouldn’t be sitting at landfills. Most business supply stores (Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy) will have bins inside of their store to drop your old ink cartridges for recycling and oftentimes, they’ll give you a discount on your ink purchase when you recycle your old cartridges!

4. CFL Lightbulbs

As many homeowners are switching their compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs out for more efficient options, such as LED light bulbs, many CFL bulbs are not being disposed of correctly. CFL’s actually contain a small amount of mercury which means they can’t be thrown out in your trash or in your curbside recycling. Instead, they need to be recycled through a hazardous waste facility. Not sure where one is? You can drop your CFL bulbs off at Lowe’s or Home Depot and they’ll dispose of them for you!

5. Glasses & Eyewear

Have you recently updated your eyeglasses to a new pair? Instead of throwing yours away, donate them! There are so many individuals that cannot afford a pair of eyeglasses so they depend on people like you! Drop them off at a local eye doctor or glasses place – if they don’t take them, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction. If your glasses are broken to the point of no repair, treat them as you would any other plastic item and recycle them just like you would a plastic bottle.

6. Kitchen Appliances

Replacing your broken or outdated appliances with new ones? Recycling your old ones can be a drag, but it’s worth it. There are three ways you can go about this – sell them, donate them, or recycle them.

Don’t want to deal with the recycling process? Give Elite Junk Removal & Demolition a call today at 978-317-5388. We won’t just ensure your items are recycled through the proper channels, but will also remove any other junk you need gone!