old swing set in backyard

Swing Set Removal Tips

Your kids are grown, and there is no one using the old swing set in your backyard, but you aren’t quite sure how or what to do with it. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can remove your swing set! Whether you want to revitalize it, trash it, or simply sell it, here are some great tips at your disposal. 

Pickup Only

Selling a swing set might be the easy part. Transporting it is where it gets tricky. Thankfully, modern-day technology allows you to sell something so that it is clear the buyer is responsible for pickup. You can use apps, social media, or even your community newsletter for advertising the play equipment sale. Be sure to clarify that the item is for pickup only, and the buyer will know to bring friends and a vehicle that can transport the equipment.

Recycle and/ or Use it for Parts

Taking apart a swing set is usually as simple as unscrewing some nuts and bolts. You can then take the smaller pieces to recycle or contact a junk removal program for pick up at your residence. Many people even find uses for individual parts, such as hardware, chains, and other components.

Spruce it Up

Perhaps your old swing set is just an eyesore but could still be used by others in the family. There are many ways to spruce up playground equipment! 

  1. Paint it
  2. Add a new component
  3. Add mulch beneath it

By creating a more attractive play space, you may realize that you don’t need to remove the swing set at all!

Refresh It into Something New

Outdoor play equipment doesn’t have to remain outdoor play equipment. In fact, there are many possibilities for your former swingset. Try upcycling your swing set into something entirely new. Upcycling is a new way of giving life to something that others might consider garbage. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure becomes apparent when you create one of the following ideas from an old piece of play equipment.

  • Garden
  • Greenhouse
  • Adult swing
  • Outdoor seating
  • Chicken coop
  • Bicycle storage
  • Other storage

Get creative and use your swing set again in a different way. With some tools, materials, and a bit of a handyman skill, you can create something that gives your swing set new life. The equipment’s original intent is no matter when you use your imagination to refresh it. 

Haul It

If it comes down to it and you find yourself unable to sell, reuse for parts, or reimagine your old play equipment, contact us for removal! Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition will provide you with a smooth process in assisting you with removing your swing set, no matter its condition. The team at Elite Services are trusted junk removal professionals that you can find beneficial in a number of removal situations. Give us a call today at (978) 317-5388 for more information! 

cluttered attic

Attic Cleanout Safety Tips

Do you feel the need to clean your attic but are dreading the process? It can be a long and dirty job; however, a clean and organized attic can help you feel better about your home. Some challenges come with cleaning out the attic – sometimes, things can even get dangerous. If you are ready to tackle the challenge, the following tips may be of help to you. 

Get Everything Cleared Out

It is hard to clean if you are surrounded by junk. Instead of cleaning around items, take everything out. This removes tripping hazards and makes the process more manageable in the long run – even if it seems like a big job right off the bat. 

Dust Every Surface

When everything is out of your attic, you have the freedom to move about and dust every surface. Shelves, window sills, and other flat surfaces collecting dust can be easily wiped down when there is nothing in the way. You may even find dust in places you didn’t think to look, so be sure to dust everything, less the dust be blown onto other surfaces when you move the removed items back in. Additionally, if the dust has truly accumulated, wearing a mask can prevent any allergens from irritating you. 

Floors Come Next

After dusting, it’s time to vacuum and sweep the floors. Vacuuming before sweeping means that there will be less dirt flying around when you do sweep. You could benefit from using a full-size vacuum the first time, sweeping, and then using a handheld vacuum to get the small pieces the dustpan leaves behind. 

Check Insulation Quality and Cleanliness

The quality of your insulation is crucial to the heating or cooling of your home. Its cleanliness also plays a part in the health of those living in the house. Mold can grow on insulation and cause concerns. Ensuring that you have adequate insulation for heating and cooling and clean insulation for the benefit of your health is ideal. If you do find mold in your insulation or other areas of your attic, it is crucial to hire a professional for the cleaning to avoid dangers. 

Seal Cracks and Holes

Cracks and holes allow air and critters to enter your attic. A professional can help you do this, or some homeowners prefer to DIY this kind of problem. Spray foam is a popular option for sealing cracks that you can purchase at any hardware store. If you notice a rodent or pest problem, you can buy supplies to remove the problem or hire an exterminator to help. 

Organize and Donate

Before moving every item back into the attic, consider what you want to donate. Organize the items into piles. Consider these factors:

  • Do you want to keep it?
  • Do you want to donate it?
  • Is it garbage?

By sorting items into piles for keep, donate, and trash, you can easily decide what things to return to the attic. You will likely find that you have to return fewer items to the attic than you removed. When you do return the items to keep, logically organize them. They will be easier to find and use in the future when you know how you’ve organized your items. 

Develop a Routine

Rather than cleaning out the attic once every few years, make it part of your routine. By cleaning a few times a year, you will not have to undertake a vast project in cleaning out the attic. Instead, it will be a quick part of your spring cleaning. 

Hire Help

If it has been a while since you’ve cleaned out your attic, you may find it easiest to hire help. Elite Services is an expert in junk removal and can easily take care of the cleanout for you. Give Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition a call to determine the best course of action for your attic situation. 

old electronics in a trash can

Throwing Away Electronics

fi For many, the pieces sit around gathering dust. Others try to pawn them off. Some people even put them in the regular trash with last night’s dinner and today’s junk mail. If you are wondering what the most responsible way to get rid of your electronics might be, throwing them away is not it. 

Why Should You Avoid Throwing Away Electronics?

There are a number of reasons that throwing your electronics in the garbage can become problematic. Understanding these problems can be the motivation you need to dispose of your old computers and devices properly. 


Most people are aware of the claims made about landfills – they’re too big, they’re dangerous, etc. Believing this idea is not what matters when it comes to electronics. Electronics can take up space in a landfill, but the exceptionally awful part is that landfills are not correctly suited to handle electronics. When items break down and mix with those within your electronic devices, bad things can happen. The liner beneath the piles can begin to break down, too. This is no good for anyone. 


There are contaminants in electronics that are not only dangerous to our landfills but our groundwater and soil. Treatment plants may filter our water, but it is not always possible to remove every contaminant from our drinking water. Contaminated water can also kill off marine life, which is an issue all by itself. Contaminating our soil would do horrible things to our food supply and land animals, as well. Properly disposing of your electronics is vital to continuing life on this planet. 

What Should You Do with Unwanted Electronics?

  1. Sell or Donate

Numerous organizations are willing to take your old and unwanted electronics off your hands. You can factory reset these devices so that no personal information remains on them before giving them away.

  1. E-Recycle

Many communities offer an e-recycling day in which all community members are welcome to drop off their old and broken devices. Please take advantage of this service when it is close to you!

  1. Recycle

Recycling your electronics can be as easy as calling your local recycling center to see if the pieces are accepted. If you cannot find a recycling center that accepts your electronics, contact an electronic store and find out where they take their own pieces. Some electronic stores will also take yours to recycle. 

  1. Hire a Junk Hauler

A junk hauler will pick up your items from your home for proper disposal. You do not have to do much more than put your old items aside for pick up. 

Who Should You Contact?

If you’re ready to dispose of your electronics properly, Elite Services is the company to contact. Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition is an expert in junk removal and recycling your old computers. We are willing and able to remove your junk quickly and efficiently. Give us a call today

6 Tips for Cleaning & Organizing Your Kitchen

clean kitchenThe kitchen tends to be the most used area of a home, sees a lot of foot traffic, and tends to be a dumping ground for various items that don’t belong in the kitchen. In combination with cooking and eating in the space, surfaces get dirty and junk piles up very quickly. In order to keep junk to a minimum, deep cleaning your kitchen will help keep it clean even on the busiest of days. Ever 3-4 months, go through and organize your space with these tips:

Sort Through Everything

Start your kitchen cleaning process by organizing and cleaning out all of the items in your cabinets, in drawers, and on top of your counters. As you go thruogh each area, put each item into two piles: “to keep” and “toss”. Ask youself when the last time you used it and if it’s not a seasonal item, get rid of it if you haven’t used it within the last year. This will give you more space to store the items you do use on a regular basis. For the items you use regularly, keep them in easy-to-reach areas such as top drawers and cabinets close by to your main cooking area.

Wipe Down Surfaces

Starting with the wood molding, wipe down and dust the surfaces in your kitchen from top to bottom including cabinet fronts, knobs and pulls, appliances, and even your backsplash. You’ll be amazed at the amount of grime that has built up on these surfaces over time and once theyr’e wiped down, they’ll look brand new. For the hard to reach areas, use a long-handled duster to make sure they aren’t neglected.

Clean the Microwave

Over time, food splatters and and over flows, causing grime to build up in your microwave over time. Combined with the heat, the splatters become caked on and hard to clean. To eliminate harsh scrubbing, place a microwave-safe bowl with one cup of water and several several tablespoons of vinegar in the microwave for 5 minutes (or until the window is steamy). Let the microwave sit for few minutes to cool down before wiping the grime away.

Empty the Refridgerator

Since you’re already deep cleaning your kitchen, you mine as well clean out the refriderator! Take everything out of the fridge, wipe down all of the surfaces, and throw away any of the items you no longer use or are expired. Take all of the remaining items that you do use and organize them as you place them back in the fridge. Before you know it, you’ll havea clean and organized refridgerator and plenty of space to store the items you pick up on your next trip to the grocery store.

Empty & Clean the Trash

Once you’re done throwing away any item you no longer use, bring the trash bag to the garabage bin and clean out the inside of the trash can. Using an antibacterial soap, clean the bin out with soap and water in your kitchen sink, or outside with the hose, to prevent mold and bacteria fom growing inside the can. Once dry, replace the trash bag for a clean, fresh start.

Sweep & Mop the Floor

Now that you’ve wiped down all of the surfaces in your kitchen, it’s time to clean the floor! Once you’ve swept the floor clean, pull out all of your appliances to sweep and mop behind them before mopping the rest of the floor. This will ensure that any of the debris from the rest of your kitchen don’t make their way back there once pushing the appliances back in.

Once you’ve cleaned your kitchen, give Elite Services Junk Removal a call at (978) 317-5388 to schedule your junk removal appointment.

How to Properly Dispose of Batteries

Although we would like to think getting rid of our trash is as simple as bagging it up and putting it out on the curb, many materials require a different outlet in order to be properly disposed of. Properly disposing of hazardous waste products including paint, metal, and batteries is important in making sure these items don’t end up in our local landfills or water supplies. Here’s a quick guide for how you can go about disposing of batteries. For more information on this and other materials, call or text Elite Services Junk Removal at 978-317-5388.

Single-Use Batteries

Everyday batteries are sometimes conveniently disposable with your regular waste. The batteries you use for your TV’s remote control, your computer mouse, or your string lights can typically be tossed in your trash. With this said, every town is different and some have specific collection days for certain materials. To make sure your town doesn’t have any special policies regarding battery disposal, give them a call before you toss these items!

Rechargeable Batteries

You might have a rechargeable battery for your laptop that you have recently replaced. Rechargeable batteries are also used in many professional photography cameras and security systems. When one of these batteries needs replacing, should you do with the old one? Unlike many single-use batteries, rechargeable batteries typically cannot be disposed of with normal waste items. To properly dispose of these, call your local waste removal company and schedule a pickup or drop off!

Car Batteries

Car batteries can also be removed by a junk removal service or by a local scrap metal yard. If you have the entire junk car to get rid of, many scrap metal or auto salvage yards will not only remove the vehicle from your location but will also give you cash for it! Vehicle batteries can be reused if they are still in usable shape, or the materials can be repurposed to create new parts.

Junk Removal in Swampscott, MA & Beyond

Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition takes everything, from batteries to furniture and all things in between! Whether you are looking to get rid of some batteries or conducting a full demolition and need a cleanup crew, we’ve got your back. Give us a call or just text us today for more information at 978-317-5388.

Carpet Removal Tips

After years of heavy traffic, carpet can get very worn down and will eventually need to be replaced. To save a little bit of money, a lot of homeowners opt to remove the old carpet themselves, which is a great DIY project but a lot of people do not know how to remove carpet properly. With these tips, you’ll have yours removed without damaging the underlying floor or the walls in your home!

Tools You Will Need to Remove Your Carpet

The first step to doing any project properly is to make sure you are prepared with the proper tools to do it. There are only a few essential tools you will need to pull up your own carpet. Before you begin tearing up your carpet, make sure you have the following on hand:

  • Protective gloves
  • Protective eyewear
  • Pliers
  • Crowbar
  • Utility knife
  • Floor scraper

Tips for Removing Your Carpet

The key to removing a carpet is to work efficiently and use your tools properly. Follow our tips to have your carpet removed in no time!

  • Wear all protective eyewear and gloves as soon as you begin the project to avoid dust or allergen irritation.
  • Make sure all furniture is cleared from the room to make the removal process easier and faster.
  • Remove and baseboards/moldings/heater covers that might be covering the edges of your carpet.
  • Start with the pulling up the edge of the carpet using your pliers.
  • Use your crowbar to pull up the tack strips that are holding down your carpet.
  • As you pull up the carpet, use your utility knife to cut it into small pieces to make it easier to carry out of the room.
  • If the carpet padding is held down with staples, use your pliers to pull them out; if it’s glued down, use a floor scraper to pull it up.

Disposing of Your Old Carpet

Once you’ve removed your carpet, the next step is to dispose of it. There is likely a lot of debris leftover, and more than your town or private trash route will take. Hiring a professional junk removal service gets the old carpet out of your home so that you can move onto installing your new floors. To ensure it is disposed of through the proper channels and to avoid frustration, call our team at Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition today at 978-317-5388.

old electronics

A Guide to Recycling Common Household Items

household recyclablesThe average individual produces an average of 5 pounds of waste a day and most of that waste is in fact recyclable. If every person across the United States was more conscious of the proper ways to dispose of these items, garbage wouldn’t be as big as a problem as it currently is. Recycling not only saves space in our landfills but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Another positive of recycling – less resources are used recycling an item into something usable compared to the resources used to dispose of trash at a landfill.

Here are several common household items that can be recycled and how to go about recycling them correctly:

1. Batteries

The materials that batteries are made up of contribute to pollution when they aren’t disposed of through the proper channels, especially when they break down in landfills. Most libraries, battery or electronics stores, and even your local grocery store will take your household batteries and ensure they will be recycled properly.

2. Books

Stop throwing your books away! If you no longer want a stack of books in your house, bring them to your local library, donate them in a book drop box, or take them apart and recycle them through your towns recycling center.

3. Ink Cartridges

Like batteries, many ink cartridges are made up of toxic materials that shouldn’t be sitting at landfills. Most business supply stores (Staples, Office Depot, Best Buy) will have bins inside of their store to drop your old ink cartridges for recycling and oftentimes, they’ll give you a discount on your ink purchase when you recycle your old cartridges!

4. CFL Lightbulbs

As many homeowners are switching their compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs out for more efficient options, such as LED light bulbs, many CFL bulbs are not being disposed of correctly. CFL’s actually contain a small amount of mercury which means they can’t be thrown out in your trash or in your curbside recycling. Instead, they need to be recycled through a hazardous waste facility. Not sure where one is? You can drop your CFL bulbs off at Lowe’s or Home Depot and they’ll dispose of them for you!

5. Glasses & Eyewear

Have you recently updated your eyeglasses to a new pair? Instead of throwing yours away, donate them! There are so many individuals that cannot afford a pair of eyeglasses so they depend on people like you! Drop them off at a local eye doctor or glasses place – if they don’t take them, they’ll be able to point you in the right direction. If your glasses are broken to the point of no repair, treat them as you would any other plastic item and recycle them just like you would a plastic bottle.

6. Kitchen Appliances

Replacing your broken or outdated appliances with new ones? Recycling your old ones can be a drag, but it’s worth it. There are three ways you can go about this – sell them, donate them, or recycle them.

Don’t want to deal with the recycling process? Give Elite Junk Removal & Demolition a call today at 978-317-5388. We won’t just ensure your items are recycled through the proper channels, but will also remove any other junk you need gone!

Eliminating Clutter Before the Holidays

It’s that time of the year again – The most wonderful time, that is! Winter hit and just like that, we find ourselves right in the middle of the holiday season. New Year’s is just around the corner. And yet, your home is still cluttered with a bunch of junk from years past! Check out these tips for cleaning out from the professionals at Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition, and get your home ready for the holiday season. 

Looking Back on Clutter

Soon, you’ll be packing away all the holiday décor in a garage filled with your kids’ old clothes and toys that no one in your family will ever use again. There are likely old appliances, computers, monitors, keyboards, & old TVs just sitting around taking up space. What about that old, worn furniture and all those boxes left behind by family members? And what about all that clutter past the garage, inside your home? Wouldn’t it be nice to clean up the clutter and start the New Year with an organized house and garage?

Making Room for the New Year

With all this going on, you don’t even have room for the gifts you’ll receive this holiday. Not to mention there’s a lot of stuff on the kids’ Christmas list to Santa Claus! If their rooms and your spare closets are already cluttered, where will you put all the new stuff? It is often best to hire a professional junk removal service to get rid of all the useless junk. Many junk removal services will also donate reusable items so they don’t go to waste! 

Decluttering Outside Your Home

Have a bunch of waste all over your yard? Droves of leaves leftover from the fall, fallen, dead trees from the last storm, old tires, file cabinets, broken lawnmowers… let’s face it, there’s a big mess going on back there, and it’s not helping your holiday spirit. Your local junk removal service can help with this too! That way, your holiday decor will look even better, and when spring kicks in next year, your yard is ready for you and yours to enjoy.

No Time to Separate the Clutter?

A trustworthy junk removal company would never just toss your stuff on a truck and haul it all off to your local landfill. Instead, these professionals go through it removing things that can be reused or recycled. These items are then donated to charity and nothing goes to waste.

Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition in Salem, MA

Choose not to start your new year with your home and yard cluttered with last years’ junk. Get rid of the old and make room for the new! If you are in the Salem, MA area, call Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition for all of your junk removal needs.

Should You Have a Yard Sale or Hire a Junk Removal Service?

One of the biggest questions we are faced with when cleaning out a home is what to do with the items we no longer want or use. You might be hesitant to throw everything away, but is a yard sale worth your time? Here are some factors to consider when deciding between having a yard sale or using a junk removal service:

Yard Sale

If you have resellable items, time on your hands, and access to the proper resources, you might be able to make some money from having a yard sale. Keep in mind, however, that a yard sale is not quick money – It will take significant planning to successfully pull off. The first step is to decide which of your items are actually resellable. If something is broken, out of style, or just well used, it is less likely that someone will want to purchase it. Once you choose a date for your yard sale, you will need to advertise it so people will be aware of your sale and show up to shop. You might want to do this through signs, social media, or local listings.

On the day of your yard sale, you will be responsible for renting or assembling tables to display merchandise on. You will also have to think about how you would like to organize your items for sale – Grouping by section is one way to make it easier for buyers. You will also have to handle money and making change, and decide on if your prices are firm or if you are open to bargaining. Keep in mind that wherever your merchandise is set up also needs to be adjustable should it rain on yard sale day. After your yard sale, you will likely still have some leftover items that didn’t sell – Unless you want to keep them, you will have to determine how you will rid of these.

Junk Removal

If you are looking to quickly wrap up your cleaning out process, professional junk removal may be your answer. Instead of the labor intense process of a yard sale, scheduling junk removal can be as simple as a call or email request. This option also ensures that everything you are looking to get rid of will be taken, both useful and useless. Professional junk removal can be a good option if your items are too worn out to be re-purposed, but don’t feel bad about hauling them away if they are still usable – junk removal services often have donation programs available too! If you’re ready to take the next step in your clean out, contact Elite Services Junk Removal to talk about your junk removal process today.

full closet

Emotional & Physical Benefits of Decluttering Your Home

Cutting down on clutter is more than just a minimalism trend, and it is not limited to spring cleaning! Living in a clutter-free home has benefits that will lead you to an improved daily lifestyle.


Clutter accumulates dust, dirt, and other particles that are detrimental to the humans and pets living in your home. The allergens accumulated in untouched clutter can worsen allergies, asthma, and overall health. Even if you clean regularly, the more junk items in your home, the more there is to clean! Improve your homes cleanliness and cut down on your cleaning time by decluttering.

Finding Lost Items

You never know what useful items might be lying in a pile of your own junk! Decluttering can lead to finding old belongings you forgot you had, or items you have been searching your house for. You will be shocked at what has been sitting right in front of you unnoticed, and you will likely to be able to chop some items off your shopping list!

Helping Others

Part of decluttering is realizing how many things you no longer use or need. Many of the items you are ready to let go of will still have life left in them! Donate these items to ensure they don’t go to waste. You can donate clothing, appliances, and even furniture that you no longer have use for, and your junk removal service can help you with this.

Mood Boosting

There are several emotional benefits to decluttering your home. Becoming clutter-free is psychologically associated with anxiety relief, increased concentration, and better sleep. When your home is cluttered, you are often in a mentally scattered state without realizing it. Once you create order in your home, free up space, & know where everything is, you will find yourself thinking clearly with less stress. On an emotional level, cleaning out gives you a chance to let go of items that might remind you of items that remind you of negative parts of your past. Because it keeps you physically and mentally busy and has a clear end goal, cleaning out will also leave satisfied & with a sense of accomplishment.

Making Space

Eliminating clutter frees up space in your home. Instead of leaving it cluttered with junk, you could be celebrating a family dinner on your dining room table! Along with creating more space for daily living, this frees up space for new belongings once you have eliminated the old. For example, if you go through your closet and eliminate the items you never wear, you will find more space for new clothing that fits your current style! Decluttering will also free up mental space – You will find yourself stressing less about the mess in your home, and with time to focus on more important things.

If your decluttering adventure is in need of professional junk removal service, contact Elite Services Junk Removal & Demolition today!